Say "goodbye" to Disqusting third-party comments with HashOver, a free and open source PHP comment system under the GNU Affero General Public License. HashOver adds a "comment section" to any website, with only a few simple lines of JavaScript or PHP code. HashOver is a self-hosted system and allows completely anonymous comments to be posted, the only required information is the comment itself.
No non-free JavaScript, non-free server-side software (software as a service), no account needed to comment, no e-mail address needed to comment, no storing comments on a third-party server, no IP address and user activity tracking, no ads, no heavy use of AJAX (JavaScript), no claiming of broad copyright on comments, no long load times, and no useless APIs.
Version 1.0 adds comment sorting, Spanish and Japanese locale support, IP address blocking, spam filtering, embedded external images, control over comment HTML structure, user e-mail notifications subscription per comment, administration control for deletion and editing of all comments, new modular design, 95% JavaScript-free PHP-mode, and an optional login to claim comments after cookies expire.
To learn more I direct you to the links below:
Looking to the future:
HashOver was first announced in July of 2010, as a reinvention of Disqus, however, its development started March 29th 2009. Since its initial early developmental "release" it has matured enough for me to be comfortable making an official version 1.0 release and accept contributions. HashOver version 1.0 should be stable, reliable, and user-friendly enough for productive and constructive daily use.
HashOver version 1.0 consists of code written by one person over the course of five years, come March the 29th. Moreover, HashOver was my first serious use of JavaScript and my first PHP project of such complexity. Those two facts should trigger obvious concerns about HashOver's performance, efficiency, and security. With that in mind, version 2.0 will be the next release, and will focus on improving nothing but the following areas.
- Security
- Performance
- Code efficiency
- Deployment
- Data storage format
- Backwards and forwards compatibility
- Operating system support
- Aesthetics and graphics
- Graphic scalability on (Xi)HDPI displays
- Code readability
- Bug fixes
This means the possibility of new features in version 2.0 is next to nil, and contributions via GitHub and/or e-mail that add new features will be rejected, at least for the time being. Improvements to existing functionality and aesthetics will be accepted. New features will be accepted and available in version 2.x releases.
Getting involved and helping out:
For non-developers and users the simplest way to get involved and help out is by using HashOver on your website and reporting any problems you encounter. You may suggest new features or point out missing features and functionality. You may also help write HashOver's documentation and make tutorials to help other people use HashOver. Of course, Flattring this page is also appreciated.
For developers the simplest way to get involved and help out is by cloning the hashover-next branch on GitHub and addressing issues in the areas mentioned above.